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Privacy Policy

We've always taken personal privacy seriously. You haven't received email from us about GDPR because our announcement list has always been double opt-in; subscribers have already requested subscription, and then verified their wish to subscribe using a link emailed to them.

Unless otherwise stated, all data is stored on the DMGAudio database server.

We collect the following data:

Website Visitors - We store cookies on your system to allow you to log in, and to make the cart and checkout work. We store your user ID (if you're logged in), the contents of your cart, and the previous page (on that you visited. Third party services we use on our website include Youtube, Soundcloud, Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics, and these may also store cookies on your system, for further details see the Privacy Policy of these websites prior to using any plugins on our site.

Announce List Subscribers - To subscribe to our email list we require and store your name and e-mail address.

Demo Requests - To demo our products we require and store the product you wish to demo, and when you request the demo in addition to the data mentioned in the previous sections.

User Account Holders - To create an account we require and store the same data as the previous sections, as well as an encrypted password. You can easily update your own personal information to keep it accurate in the user area, accessed by logging in, and clicking "Profile".

Customers - We store all of the data mentioned in previous section in addition to license and purchase information. We do not store any payment details. We also store anything visible on your account page. We get this data from you typing it in, or from Paypal if you choose to have them fill it in for you. We also store records of sales transactions for legal compliance.

Support emails - When you email DMGAudio we store your correspondence on our mail server, so we can reference previous emails from you. We have a private bug database, provided by Fog Creek Manuscript which can also store emails, so we can mail you to let you know when things are fixed, and talk about bugs/features. These both contain data that you email directly to us, or send using the contact form.

We don't share your data with anyone, ever. We may need to discuss issues you've emailed us about with a third party developer, but we will never include any of your data directly. We'll keep your data indefinitely, because we require it to keep your user account working.

If you want any of your data removed, send us an email to We can delete any emails you've sent, delete your user account, the only thing we can't delete is any financial information that we're required to report to authorities for accounting purposes. If you choose to delete your user account you necessarily lose any license information, thus invalidating any purchases you may have made with us. If you would like a copy of any of your data, please send us an email.

When making purchases, Paypal acts as a subprocessor for our data, and gives us information on what you have purchased.

Your usage of this site implies your acceptance of this policy.